Do you suffer from memory loss, brain fatigue and general forgetfulness, are desperate to try something new but don’t have the confidence to take the step due to you these limitations. Some of these statements may relate to you?

♦  Do you misplace things all the time? Your keys, your phone, do you forget people’s names…..maybe those senior moments feel like they are coming early?

♦ You have got your hard-earned degree/qualification but you are still doing the same job that you are over qualified for?

♦ Do you have that wonderful business idea but need to learn much more about it to be able to start?

♦ Is your confidence and self-esteem low due to a toxic workplace making you feel emotionally or physically drained?

♦ You know what is stopping you from going after that promotion. You know you should enhance your skillset, but feel too overwhelmed to embark on anything else at the moment.

♦ You have gained a great deal of experience and knowledge in your current position, but the lack of a professional qualification prevents you from leaving to seek promotion and a higher salary.

♦ See better opportunities ahead but too comfortable where you are to entertain thoughts of making changes.

♦ What about the frustration of seeing someone higher up the ladder than you, who is earning more than you, but actually know less about the job than you?

Rachel will reveal how can unlock your brain’s super power with new brain training techniques that will help you realise that there’s no limit to what you can learn and remember. You will be able to let go of anything that is holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams.

All courses built and supplied by Rachel Smith (Owner)

Master your mind........

Success Realisation can help you.......

Start the journey to your destination…

We have a suite of self development training courses programs and quick guides that help you address the challenges that are holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams.

Success Realisation will show you how to use the power that already exists within your mind to bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to be. We are devoted to helping people leverage their brain power to effect positive and lasting change and you will automatically create powerful new habits and beliefs you need to achieve your goals.

Not having new experiences and learning new things slows your brain down and makes it less responsive. Adult learning is good for your health and has been shown to slow the progression of Alzhemier’s and dementia, as well as just preventing general slowing of mental faculties.

Understanding your brain and learning new things can:

  •  It opens doors – You stand a better chance of getting that promotion which opens new income streams
  •  It keeps you healthy – learning keeps your mind and body active and engaged. Your brain can handle a wider variety of challenges
  • It keeps you relevant – keeping up with development and learning new skills makes you relevant. You’re competitors won’t stand a chance
Productivity Booster Guides Image 1

Productivity Booster Guides

Tutor Support Image 2

Tutor Support

Programmes and Courses Image 3

Programmes and Courses

Study at your own pace Image 4

Study at your own pace

Meet Your Brain Coach

I am Rachel Smith, Founder of Success Realisation, and I am a Brain coach.

I started brain coaching and mentoring to help women just like myself who suffer with mind fog and memory loss to realise that no matter your age, education abilities and circumstances, your brain has the capability of being trained, reformed and used to shape your destiny. My journey started when I was on maternity leave, lost my job, had no skills or the brain capacity to try and progress my career mainly because I couldn’t remember anything. I was broke but didn’t want to go back to admin work, I had a degree and never utilised it. How was I going to upskill to land a high paying job quickly?

I wanted to be a project manager but I thought I’d better go back to basic and learn how to remember things so I can retain what I’ll be learning. One month in, I learnt all about project management, completed the professional qualification and landed my first project management role.

The point is, there are no limits to what you can achieve if you know how to tap into your brain power. You will have the ability to remember everything you learn in half the time. Learning is key and Learning more is essential to growth and progression in life.

I have helped many women and men find their higher calling through brain and mindset training

I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you 😊


Get in touch if you would like to be kept up to date with any upcoming courses and guides.


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